Red Tea Boost Metabolism Burn Fat ?

red tea

Red Tea Boost Metabolism Burn Fat ? The red herbal drink that can turbo boost metabolism and burn ‘dangerous’ fat

This one drink can help rid the body of visceral fat

Experts say a specific red drink may help reduce visceral fat (Image: SHARED CONTENT UNIT)

Experts say a specific red drink may help reduce visceral fat by turbocharging fat metabolism and blocking the formation of new fatty cells.

Visceral fat is especially dangerous as it lodges itself deep within the abdominal cavity, encasing vital organs and is directly implicated in the risk of heart attack because it releases dangerous chemicals into the bloodstream.

But the ExpressOnline has reported that one drink – a red one- can help the body get rid of this fat.

Experts say that Rooibos tea, which traditionally made by fermenting leaves of the flowering shrub Aspalathus linearis, could be the answer.

According to research the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis, used to make the tea, boast aspalathin.

This active ingredient helps reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage.

“There’s no replacement for a healthy diet and plenty of movement when it comes to losing weight, but rooibos could provide some extra support,” explained Doctor Tim Bond, from the Tea Advisory Panel.

“Research has found it contains a compound called aspalathin, which in laboratory studies, was shown to reduce fat, boost fat metabolism and block fat cell formation

“As rooibos is naturally sweet, little to no sugar or sweetener is needed, allowing for a delicious calorie-free drink, which will curb a sweet tooth.”

It also has other benefits, the Aspalathus linearis plant is also a rich source of antioxidants, which help regulate glutathione metabolism in the body.

In what is known as being a powerful antioxidant. glutathione, has been shown to protect against inflammatory, toxins and free radicals and pathogens.

It has been recognised that the inflammation and oxidative stress are both hallmarks of dysfunctional fat.

They are also responsible for many of the diseases associated with obesity, according to Doctor Hanél Sadi-Van Gijsen, of the Division of Medical Physiology at Stellenbosch University.

Findings from one test-tube study suggested the rooibos tea increased fat metabolism and helped block the formation of new fat cells.

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The researchers noted: “Our data show that hot water-soluble solids from fermented rooibos inhibit adipogenesis and affect adipocyte metabolism, suggesting its potential in preventing obesity.

“Adipogenesis is the process by which fat-laden cells develop and accumulate as adipose tissue in various sites throughout the body. These cells develop as both subcutaneous fats and as fat deposits.”

Drinking just one or two cups of rooibos per day could help prevent the formation of dangerous abdominal fat, it has been suggested.

There are further studies needed to investigate any impact rooibos could have on weight loss.

Back in 2014 researchers suggested that the red-coloured tea may have the potential to accelerate fat burn.

This through increasing levels of leptin, a hormone that sends signals to the brain to help regulate food intake and help it determine when the body has consumed enough food.

How to help get rid of visceral fat

As with most things, diet plays a huge in weight loss and this is the same for visceral fat loss.

Swapping out white break and refined grain pasta for carbohydrates and lean protein could help.

Just as key to a healthy diet is, of course, exercise.

Exercising regularly is one of the most effective measures for reducing visceral fat is exercising regularly.

Harvard Health explains: “The starting point for bringing weight under control in general, and combating abdominal fat, in particular, is regular moderate-intensity physical activity – at least 30 minutes per day to control and lose belly fat.

“Strength training may also help fight abdominal fat.”

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Kuala Lumpur: Every day, about five children in Malaysia are diagnosed with various cancers.

Malaysian National Cancer Society (NCSM) Medical Director Dr M Murallitharan said it was a matter of concern as the number was expected to increase in the future.

“Based on the Synopsis of Child Cancer Incidence in Malaysia report in 2007 to 2011 in one day, the average child in Malaysia diagnosed with cancer is three people.

“This report is 10 years old and the latest data has not been released. However, the statistics (of five children) are based on projections at the global level, in line with the increase in population in Malaysia,” he said.

He said children with cancer were divided into two groups, aged from zero to 14 years and 15 to 19 years.

“The highest number of cancers in children aged from zero to 14 are blood cancer (leukemia) followed by cancer of the brain and nervous system, lymphoma, bones, eyes, connective tissue and soft tissues, ovaries, kidneys, testicles and liver.

“While the category of children aged 15 to 19 years, the highest cancer disease they suffer is blood cancer (leukemia), followed by lymphoma, bone, brain and nervous system, ovaries, nasopharynx, thyroid, connective tissue and soft tissue, testicles and skin, “he said.

Dr Murallitharan said the significant increase in cancer patients was the age group between 15 to 19 years.

He said, this is because they have been exposed to cancer risk factors from an early age, that is since childhood.

“One of them is the problem of obesity and when they reach the age of a dozen, they start to show the characteristics of having cancer.

“The second factor is unhealthy eating patterns that prefer to consume fast and processed foods. Next is exposure to many chemical elements since childhood especially cigarette smoke from adults around them.

“When growing up in adolescence, the face shows the characteristics of abnormal tumors and so on,” he said.

Asked about the role of NCSM, Dr Murallitharan said, the biggest task of this association is to provide financial and psycho -social assistance such as shelter, transportation and so on to cancer patients throughout Malaysia.

“We have set up a cancer home that houses patients undergoing treatment at hospitals in the capital.

“For patients who are undergoing treatment but their condition is not serious, they are not admitted to the ward. Therefore, they will stay in this house throughout the treatment process.

“They stay in this house for free because the association wants to help ease the burden of the parents of the patients who are mostly from B40 families,” he said.

Apart from that, he said, NCSM also sent medical officers and counselors to several states to provide services to patients.


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